Sunday, October 23, 2016

From the Illusion of Democracy to Democracy Awareness

On November 8, 2016, a portion of the population of the USA, about 55% will get a taste of democracy, one that is only available to them every four years. Brainwashed into believing that our governmental-system (of mind control) is a democracy, we the people once again have an opportunity to push through the brainwashing, face reality and put an end to the deceptive illusion called representative democracy.

Defining Democracy based on Reality instead of Brainwashing
Democracy is a form of collective/group decision making, wherein the degree of democracy expressed by the collective is equivalent to the degree by which all members of the collective have the opportunity to participate equally in all of the decision-making processes that affect the collective. For example: if a collective of ten people working together, make ten decisions every year and everyone in the collective has the opportunity to participate equally in all ten of those decisions, we would then say that their democracy, on a yearly basis, is collective democracy functioning at 100% of its potential, because all the people in the collective have the opportunity to participate equally in all of the decision-making processes. However, if only 2 people or 20% of the collective were permitted to participate in all of the decision-making processes, we would not call it a people’s democracy, but a democracy of the of 20%. Okay, we can call the decision-making processes of government whatever we want, but just because we call it a people’s democracy does not mean that it is one.

Representative Democracy or People’s Democracy
The difference between a representative democracy and a people's democracy is as follows. In a people's democracy, all of the people have the opportunity to participate equally in all of the decision-making processes that affect the collective. However, in a representative democracy, only the representatives of the government, not the people of the collective society, are permitted to participate equally in all of the decision-making processes. In other words, representative democracy is not people's democracy, because it is not of, by and for the people. Representative democracy is however, an excellent example of an oxymoron. Nobody ever participated in anything by sending a representative to participate instead. For example, if you wanted to go swimming, but you sent your representative instead, would you then call it Representative Swimming and claim that you had jumped into the water and swam around?

While the purpose of government is to control the collective expression of the people by controlling the minds of the people, the purpose of democracy is to express the collective determination of the people - as per the per the participation of the people. Therefore, let us push through the illusion of democracy to an awareness of democracy,  wherein each one realize that our power to determine the collective expression is only as great as our willingness and determination to participate in the decision-making processes.

Open Source Direct Democracy (OSDD) = Open Source Information + Direct Democracy (of, by and for all the people).